Muks Robotics – AI Robotics solution

We design and manufacture AI powered general purpose robots !

Introducing Spaceo, An AI powered teachable robot built with human-like automated functions and interactions. Spaceo understands human natural language and the best thing is its teachable.

Bring SPACEO™ to your family!

Spaceo™ Pro

Spaceo means a space robot which has the ability to survive on other planets. Curiosity Rover is an inspiration for us because curiosity robots have been living on Mars for many years. Spaceo Pro also helps in making colonies on Mars for human life in the future. It does the exploration of planets. It has advanced sensors, cameras, and other instruments that allow it to collect data and perform tasks in space.

Spaceo™ Home

Spaceo does all the household works like cleaning, sweeping, wet mopping, vacuum cleaning etc. Get Relief from excuses of housekeepers. Avoid unnecessary arguments with your housekeeper over cleaning, Start your morning fresh and clean with Spaceo. It does exactly what you say to it with perfection. Spaceo can be a personal caretaker for your health as well as for your households. Spaceo serves and entertains your guests. Overall, Spaceo will help to increase your quality of life.

Spaceo Pro

Spaceo means a space robot which has the ability to survive on other planets. Curiosity Rover is an inspiration for us because curiosity robots have been living on Mars for many years. Spaceo Pro also helps in making colonies on Mars for human life in the future. It does the exploration of planets. It has advanced sensors, cameras, and other instruments that allow it to collect data and perform tasks in space.

Spaceo Home​

Spaceo does all the household works like cleaning, sweeping, wet mopping, vacuum cleaning etc. Get Relief from excuses of housekeepers. Avoid unnecessary arguments with your housekeeper over cleaning, Start your morning fresh and clean with Spaceo. It does exactly what you say to it with perfection. Spaceo can be a personal caretaker for your health as well as for your households. Spaceo serves and entertains your guests. Overall, Spaceo will help to increase your quality of life.

MuksB1 Brain

Muks® B1 AGI NPU - The AI Brain

Muks® B1 AGI NPU is Blackbox composed of two main components, Neural Processing Unit (NPU) and Artificial general intelligence (AGI).  It is World’s first Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) system made for Robots with all new computing hardware. Muks® B1 AGI NPU is a processor of self-awareness, self-learning, thinking, planning, imagination, intelligence, interaction, perception, curiosity, balance, and navigation. All our robots are powered by Muks® B1 AGI NPU.




We provide the “Autonomy” to the world.

Muks Robotics design and develop AI powered general purpose robots. We are specialized in making self-sustainable  autonomous robots to ease the human life.

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